Yesterday I woke up with a very stiff and painful back from sitting on the floor playing cards the night before. I am very worried. This is how it all started last year, and I do not want to go through that pain again. During last night I dreamt and worried about my back. It is slightly better today but it still concerns me.
[Karaj: Because you get fixated with enjoyment and relaxation and you forget about your body. Too much relaxation.]
We went for a lovely walk in the fresh air and looked at the whole city from a superb vantage point, and came across a big labyrinth painted on the floor. We stood and watched as people walked round it. As they did, it took them temptingly close to the middle and then back out again before finally delivering them to its centre. We returned tired and rosy-checked. I slept for two hours. I am still very concerned about my back. I’ll be okay but be very, very careful.