Karaj rang tonight. He told me to raise the following in the Thursday men’s group this week: How do we know where we are and how do we know where we are going? It’s all about foundations and, as Karaj highlighted to me, I severely underestimate the importance of laying the foundations.
I said that I don’t know what I will be doing with my life so it is difficult to lay any foundations. Karaj contradicted me, telling me it is just the opposite: I do know where I am going. I am searching for the truth. I always have been. My problem is that I get bogged down by the details, by the hows and the whys.
Yesterday I wrote that ‘I am well aware of what I want to achieve and the life I want to lead’. So relax, concentrate on the foundations and forget about the details – they will take care of themselves. Moreover, don’t be in a hurry. Relax and enjoy the journey.