Evidence in Two Conversations

George phoned this morning. He just wanted to talk. He’d had a difficult time with the administration for a Germany trip and he phoned me because, as he told me, ‘I know you’ve got a good ear’. Evidence. All we did was chat about various things including his inclination to worry about his ability to achieve his goals (on time), particularly the building work he will be undertaking in the summer. I talked about evidence. I am being bombarded lately with evidence of my own abilities, skills and progress and it is working wonders. George hung up with a smile on his face, feeling much better; and all we’d done was talk. By doing so we had empowered each other.

Karaj, Arun and I had a brief chat before Karaj left for London. Arun and I continued to talk. It was the most enjoyable time I have spent with her and we talked for about three hours. It was clear to me that this conversation could not have taken place even as recently as a month ago because I was not where I needed to be for it to happen. Nor was Arun. After the episode in the car following our visit to see Earl, I have a better understanding of who she is and that understanding was deepened during the course of our conversation. She is also experiencing personal progress with her journey and these factors enabled us to interact in a way we never have. It was more evidence of how much progress I have made. There seems to be no end to such evidence at the moment. Slow right down and get grounded.

Prediction: Arun will blank me next time she sees me, as if our talk never happened or counted for nothing. [Karaj: Well, it did not happen. You were very supportive of her.]

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