Love & Hard Work

Arrived early and had a chat with Karaj about calming things down. In our creativity over previous weeks we have done intensive work and moved forward at quite a pace. However, we need to be sure that we do not run on full power because of the need to have some reserves for emergencies which will arise (planning).

After lunch everyone (Karaj, Kuldip, Dev, Priya, Robert and Sunil) adjourned to the garden to dig earth. I used the time to tidy the office, write my appraisal, wash up, and bring the others tea and (Shona’s) cake. Each time I walked to the end of the garden I could feel the concentration, the focused energy and the love which was being poured into their work. I find the sunken garden an enchanted place and with each loving bucket it becomes more and more magical. At the end of the day I updated the bucket graph and Priya told me how motivating it is to see the progress we are making. That was feedback to me but ultimately to Karaj who initiated the graph for precisely that reason.

Following a brief feedback session, during which Robert read out a moving poem about love, which he had just composed, we all tripped off to the evening sermon at church. It was all about the fishermen who, having caught nothing all day, were told to cast their net on the other side, where they caught fish in abundance. The lessons for me were that even though we may think nothing is happening in our lives and that we are making no progress, we should not give in.

With motivation and hard work we can make things happen. Hard work, discipline, and obedience are the key elements to growth. In addition I heard the preacher when he said that he has made the decision not to let anyone interfere with his destiny. He does not care who he upsets or who he offends because he is not at all bothered by what people think of him. It was the same preacher as last week and I wrote last week that this man knows who he is and where he is going. Simple. Why worry about what others think?

After church we were all invited to Shona’s for a delightful supper. It was a pleasant gathering and a lovely way to round off the day. We parted in love and as I sat in the car on the way home I noticed how difficult it is becoming to put into words what is happening to us.

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