Monthly Feedback – September 2002

Karaj’s feedback to me this month consisted of just two days near the end of the month and his general comments.

27. You don’t follow things through and eventually get emotional. Confusion, personalisation. Worked throughout the day but activities disjointed and purposeless.
28. Your subconscious process – like manipulation, avoiding answering questions, putting on the charm – are becoming clearer to the group as well as yourself. The problems seem to arise when you are emotional and personalising issues. You lose the overall picture and the initial purpose of coming here.

General Comments

  • Working extremely hard.
  • Very supportive in providing certainty in the office while we were at the edge of losing everything.
  • You do not understand what is going on but you do not allow this to stop your contribution.
  • You were an anchor in the office the day I and my work were being challenged and there was no certainty that we were going to be successful.
  • You dealt with people appropriately throughout the month, without burdening them with the problems we were having on many fronts. Good work. 
  • This is an overall assessment. Each day may not feel like you’re doing anything, but you are.

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