Sit Together & The Work Gets Done

I chatted to Simran this morning as we tidied up. We talked about the new location of the pond pipe. He could not work out where the pipe ended and, as he speculated, I observed his process. He thinks too much (like me) and complicates things when he actually has the answer (like me). Dev phoned. He was following procedures by checking in with us but he was quiet and sounded nervous, unsure.

Karaj, Simran, Calvin, Harriet, Priya and I sat together to work on the procedures for when I am away in March. Karaj opened with a reference to yesterday: the women’s group is the most stressful part of the month and we had done well to work so unobtrusively. This morning’s session produced very easy work. Harriet tried to make it serious, but Karaj reminded her of their experience in Cleavedon: sit together and the work gets done rather than sit together and do the work.

We looked at procedures for the Statements (Karaj to phone them through to Harriet daily); Finances (Simran to be in charge); WSG (George to be responsible for the input of agenda and minutes); Tapes & Telephone.

Shona phoned to say that her car had been broken into at church. Karaj and I had predicted something might happen and here it was. Shona joined us in the group and although there was the threat of sabotaging the group dynamic and the work we were doing, her issue was absorbed into our productive morning. So much so that when she left at lunchtime, she did not return. This is the power of the group: Karaj had Shona and Harriet, both of whom had tried in their way to undermine the process, but we still produced some very effective work.

In the afternoon’s supervision, Karaj told me I am working hard and having a breakthrough, so my script will be very powerful and attempt to undermine my progress. Don’t get attached to what people say to me. Three months ago I was a wimp according to the women; yesterday I was a man. I am who I am, I have my problems and I’m working hard. That’s it. It has been a good start to the year. Keep the pressure up.

Summary: easy and effective work this morning. Everyone was relaxed and contributed to the procedures. I’m sharing my work more and more, and feeling calm about how well I am doing. There is still a very long way to go but this shift is a great motivator.

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