I Wish I Could See What He Sees

Karaj: ‘You have to keep on giving and know that your environment is a reflection of yourself.’ I met with Calvin prior to his social services complaints mediation meeting. In the meeting I took notes as usual and the complaints were sorted to Calvin’s wife’s satisfaction.

Back at the house with Karaj, Harriet arrived and the three of us talked about being surrounded by idiots. They are all showing me something and until I see what it is I cannot move. Karaj: ‘If you’re still surrounded by idiots in three years’ time I will be asking questions.’ Serena commented that she liked the dialogue between me and Karaj: sorting out issues in a mature way, both of us listening to each other.

The Wednesday Supervision Group, was quiet and sedate. I was not as sharp as usual. I was tired and the heat of the past few days has taken its toll. Karaj cut me short a few times and explained in a later break that he’d done so to stop me getting sucked in to Harriet’s games. I wish I could see what he sees. I reported back on Calvin’s meeting with social services.

Summary: Smoked less today but felt a little on edge as well as drained. A good day’s work nonetheless. Provided good support for Calvin again.

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