Karaj Is Looking Out For Me

Karaj and I talked this morning. It helped to talk with him about where I am. He spoke of my courage and strength, and how I have helped him sort himself and his practice out. He explained that what I need to do is look at those around me, ask questions such as, ‘Why are they not moving?’, and the answers will help me sort myself out. Also, rather than trying to sort out my pain, just know that it can and will be sorted out.

Later, Karaj addressed Simran, saying: ‘What can we do to take care of Jonathan’s pain so that he does not have to worry about it or try to sort it out?’ It’s up to the group members to support me, guide me and make sure I’m okay. It is not for me to understand my issues or sort them out. It is up to others.

In the evening, Karaj and I sat in the sunken garden. He told me the clients we have here are worst-case clients. When we do the coaching work together, the clients will be more responsive and less work. Before we called it a night, he turned to me and said, ‘You have nothing to think about. Relax and enjoy yourself while we work out why your pain is still hanging around.

Summary: A good, peaceful birthday. Karaj is looking out for me.

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