And So It Continues…

How you choose to see life makes a difference to your perception of yourself, the world, and your place in it. Your outlook and attitude define the qualities you attribute to the whole of existence. They affect how you think and feel, and, therefore, every experience you have. For example, if you choose to believe in coincidences, life takes on a more random quality as different events simply collide without reason or purpose. In those instances the assumption is that if there is any control over what happens, it is beyond us; aspects of our fate are decided elsewhere.

However, if you choose to believe that coincidences don’t exist, then there is more to life than the apparent randomness; there are explanations for why things happen they way they do; and new possibilities arise which suggest that we may have more power than we realise. (See The Power Of Intention.) That is what this post is about:

Choose a version of existence which makes everything more enjoyable, makes life easier, gives us more control over who we are, offers a more beautiful view of the world, puts us at the centre of our own realities, and bestows upon us an all-powerful ability to create everything we could possibly wish for – just by thinking differently.

Last year, after finishing my book, I wondered where to go with my personal and professional development. Having combed through my journals over and over again, extracting as much as possible from the experiences depicted in their pages, I was left contemplating my next step. Eventually, at the beginning of this year, I rediscovered the kind of spiritual material I had been reading 20 years previously.

Back then, I had moved away from a search for enlightenment because the more I read, the more unattainable it seemed, and I struggled to apply what I was reading. Instead, I immersed myself for a few years in the evidence-based comfort of popular science books. Now, having addressed the practicalities of personal development and returned to the original material, it makes more sense to me.

This entry is a summary of my return to that material. It echoes my very first journal entry, And So It All Began…, from 16 years ago because both pieces represent the beginning of a significant phase in my work. That first post contained a list of ways I could cheer myself up; this latest one offers a list of life-affirming ways to see the world. We may have to overcome our conditioning about how we believe the world to be, but the more we practise what is written below, the more likely we are to shift towards an enriched view of existence. And so it continues…

  1. Let go of everything – thoughts, feelings, identity – and be in touch with what remains at your core. That fundamental awareness is the true you. Everything else is superficial, in every sense of the word. (See Drop Everything For A Moment.)
  2. There is only consciousness (awareness) experiencing itself in an infinite number of ways. When you see everyone as part of the infinite, you are able to see each person as an expression of yourself. (See Fractals.)
  3. When you see others as yourself, it is easier to serve them. Serve others and you serve yourself. (See To Serve.)
  4. How you experience your world is strongly connected to your thoughts, desires and beliefs. Examine them closely and you will see the creative power they have; especially when you choose different ones.
  5. Make use of your emotions as a feedback mechanism. Observe them more closely and look more deeply to see what they are telling you. (See TS 13 – Feedback Everywhere.)
  6. Know that, at all times, you are supported fully and loved completely.
  7. See your brilliance. Not just in the sense of your talents and abilities, but also your light. See it. Feel it. Be it. Bathe in bright light and use it to restore your cells and heal your body.
  8. Similarly, use your imagination to picture how it feels to be peace, purity, love, happiness, calmness, beauty, joy, power, silence, bliss, greatness, infinity, excellence, compassion, forgiveness, magnificence… and anything else which creates a better feeling. Such visualisation and embodiment has the power to change the world.
  9. Embrace your magnificence in all its forms. By doing so, your contribution to the whole of existence will be extraordinary.
  10. And remember: It’s just a ride. Have fun. Be childlike. Be joyful. Be free. Smile. And be happy always. All ways.


Related posts: Fractals | Drop Everything For A Moment | The Ivy Of Conditioning | No Past, No Future, Just Today | One Thousand Days | Calibrate The Machine | It Begins With Awareness | It’s the Future | It All Comes Down To This

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