4 of us, 130 of them, 4 days, 13 team captains, 42 huts, 11 parties, 2 sunrise-walks, 26 videos, 1 podcast, and innumerable conversations among a range of people who
These people bring out the best in me. The work I do, the connections I make, and the relationships I enjoy, all bring me to life. This week I spent
Another MWP event, another insight; this time brought about by the highlights of a 10-hour, sunshine day spent with almost 40 colleagues. I won’t go into the details of the
This yearly review might turn out to be the final entry of this entire blog. [Actually, not quite.] If so, then I will have concluded this decades-long personal development project
It would take too long to go into the detail of the latest MWP excursion, so I choose to record the highlight – an unexpected but also somehow predictable denouement
It was unmissable. Not the event itself (although that is also true) but the water tower which stood solid and unmoving; the centrepiece of the landscape for another MWP* event.
The exercise was straightforward, the instructions clear. We were given a warm-up scenario, and simply asked to agree or disagree. A line had been drawn down the middle of the
It was a day of masks, fairy stories, and a contemplative walk in nature. A day of significant conversations and deepening connections; of listening and sharing, reflection and insight; and