I recall a conversation I had in 2008 during the early part of my relationship with my wife. We were talking about the rules of life and she asked me what mine were. I deliberated for a while, wondering what to say. And then I remembered this list which I had put together seven years previously. I pulled it out and she sat in the chair by the window reading it while I made dinner. If there have been any points in our relationship which have singularly reinforced and enhanced what we have, that was one of them. And the talks she and I had at that window were the beginnings of C-volution.
These rules are learning points distilled from the first two volumes of my training journal. They span the period from 7th March 2000 – 18th June 2001. It is important to know that these are my learning points, particular to my life, my journey and my script. They represent what I need to consider in order to succeed with my own personal development. This explains why, although many of the points are applicable to everyone, there are others which are specific to me. (Some of the points are linked to the entries whence they came.)
I encourage you to discover your own.
- Dreams become reality
- The futility of comparisons. Not only with others but also with myself and my progress
- Relax, take things slowly. Sleep when tired.
- If I am seeking love from others, what is wrong with my self-love?
- Don’t overdo anything
- Don’t get cocky
- We connect with people who perpetuate our scripts
- The power of the mind to sabotage. I can become healthy in an instant but my mind gets in the way
- Don’t worry about ‘how‘ or ‘why‘
- Lay the foundations and things will happen
- Stay in the present and the future will take care of itself
- The truth cannot be verbalised
- Slow down towards the end… of anything
- Recognise and celebrate achievement
- There’s no need to prove what I already am
- Be open, transparent, polite, courteous, but be ruthless
- Release the past, let it go and leave it where it is
- Discipline
- Contact with men, relationships, the exchange of male energy
- Presence is enough to influence situations
- Concentrate on the positives
- Don’t worry about the negatives. I’m working on those so they get enough attention anyway
- Don’t worry. Practice active ‘non-worry’
- Listen to people and provide the space and the connection for them to discover their own solutions
- No need to please others
- No need to seek others’ approval
- No need to prove myself
- Stay balanced
- Remember the evidence (of my progress and of who I am)
- Be clear about my goals – then I am not reliant on others to tell me I’m good or bad
- Be frivolous – for the hell of it
- Own my own space
- Acknowledge the small things I do
- I don’t owe anyone anything and nobody owes me anything
- Regardless of what people say to me, whether it is good or bad, what I need to do is go inside myself and look at my evidence
- Don’t try to understand
- Don’t analyse
- Exercise
- Be sharp, strong, and firm with everyone who enters my space
- I am already the person I wish to be
- I cannot resolve internal dialogues
- The seeds of my problems with good times ending are sown well in advance with the thought that I don’t want them to end
- My expectations also guarantee my disappointment and despair
- There are many things which I shy away from when I have it in myself to try things out. What am I frightened of?
- Excitement can be very dangerous and destructive – calm down
- Smile
- All sensations are neutral – it is we who attach significance and meaning
- If I’m tired, move
- All genuine progress is gentle. There are no highs
- Thought is energy. Internal dialogues, comparisons and worry are a waste of energy. Concentrate my thoughts on myself and retain my energy for myself
- Everything is a lie – the wise remain silent and talk in riddles
- Play the fool
- Create space from people in order to do my work and walk my path
- Protect what I have
- Don’t create noise and avoid those that do
- It’s not good, it’s not bad, it just is.
- The journey doesn’t necessarily get easier
- My script can pounce at any time from any angle
- Be accountable for myself and my skills
- Don’t give anything of myself away. I do it for compliments, to feel good about myself and to impress others. There’s no need
- Frivolous conversation helps to filter out the serious people
- Challenge firmly all who occupy my space to contribute and grow, or clear off
- Look inside myself for the part of me which can contribute to others
- Slow down
- Be curious. Ask questions and get to the bottom of things
- Stop being sarcastic
- Go with my initial feeling
- Go with the obvious. That’s why it’s obvious
- Step away from confrontation
- When I’m tired my defences are low and I am vulnerable
- When I’m tired I talk too much
- Beware of people who talk too much
- If I want to talk, seek out male company
- Respect women at all times
- If I’m okay then those around me will be okay
- Stay grounded. Visit a graveyard
- If I fuck up, just smile and start again
- Those who know the truth don’t need to talk
- Keep life simple
- Have fun
- Don’t get down about being down
- Learn to say ‘No’
- Let go
- Always look at the bigger picture. It helps to see my progress
- Seek enjoyment and satisfaction in calmness and balance
- The more I give the more I receive
- Welcome women, be with them but remain unattached
- Approach everything as new. Approach everything as a challenge
- Surrender to the task. Surrender to the moment. Surrender to life itself
- Surrender is true power
- Do not look to create drama and excitement for myself
- Make things my dreams
- Own what I do
- Communicate my feelings and do so quicker
- Relax and things work
- Don’t get so involved in negativitiy – real, perceived or fantasy
- Unless I let go I will not see my conditioning/script
- See the conflict of the ‘Be Perfect’ and ‘Hurry Up’ drivers. Slow down
- Persevere. We do come out the other side and we feel satisfied and okay, because things do work out
- When anxious about things going wrong, imagine things going really wrong. Exaggerate and have some fun with it
- It matters not what happens
- Make life boring when people ask
- Remain focused and don’t let my attention wander
- The best way to ecourage myself to blossom is to encourage others to do so
- I can cope
- When things go wrong, simply decide whether or not to invest time and energy in trying to put them right
- If I cannot do something out of love, then do nothing and wait until I can
- Respect others. Laugh with them, joke with them, but do not demean them
- Don’t create or get into ‘goodbye’ games
- Whatever the trigger, my feelings are my feelings. They are my issue to sort out
- Be humble
- Be quiet
- Discipline helps to maintain my physical, mental and emotional balance
- My balance is my success
- Accept people’s generosity, or it will be lost
- Be straight with people. Do not expect them to read my mind
- Go with my initial feelings, not with my secondary thoughts
- Be clear about my goals. Verbalise and negotiate
- Do not deviate from who I am
- I’m okay when I have a focus
- Other people (in the group) don’t have my script and, therefore, don’t have the same thoughts about my issues. So they can help me.
- I have come to work with Karaj because I want things to move quickly
- I have no time to waste. I need to get myself sorted quickly. So raise things immediately
- The others in the group, because of my association with Karaj, look to me for help
- They need me to be on form
- I can only work on the problem in front of me
- When I sort one problem, many others will disappear as a consequence
- When I’m with people, be with them completely
- I can change my mood
- A calm mind can only be achieved through physical exertion and focused activities
- Without foundations nothing can work
- Paradox: the less I do the more I achieve. Don’t just do something, sit there!
- I always have everything I need
- There is no point to anything, so do things for the hell of it
- Relax, observe and listen
- Create relationships
- Continue to seek the truth
- Remain unattached
- Always ask a question, because then I am in control
- When I’m sorted out, I’m sorted. That’s all that matters
- When I am hungry I feel alive, alert, focused, aware, clear, light, mobile and I have a stronger Parent ego state. I feel more in control
- Make a decision and stick to it
- Once I make a decision, what follows is much easier
- Look at the things I have done, not the things I haven’t
- Slow right down
- Don’t personalise. This is attachment
- Focus on my sensations
- I can observe my moods. If I remain unattached they will change
- It’s enough that I know who I am
- Don’t overdo things
- There’s no need to take people’s moods personally
- It’s up to me to be cordial, friendly and welcoming
- Everything is possible
- Attachment can happen without me even realising
- Sometimes I eat for excitement or because I do not want to face my issues
- Remember the satisfaction of doing… anything
- Appreciate the beauty of boredom. Who needs drama?
- Shut up and listen
- Feelings can be dangerous
- Discipline and procedures are salvation and protection
- Always remember the bigger picture. Don’t get too much into detail
- Whatever I do, do it for myself
- Too much withdrawal is damaging
- Relax and trust that the answers will come. There’s no need to seek solutions
- Self-searching excludes others
- Things cannot be fixed in an instant
- Verbalise my issues
- Don’t give away my power
- Habitual safe places are dangerous
- Explanations cause more problems than they solve
- People will ask if they want to know
- Detach but do not disengage
- Success reveals the next level of work to be done
- Talk to people. The right people
- The journey is hard. It has to be that way otherwise we simply do not learn
Karaj told me that, gradually, I would reduce this list down to just a handful of rules. That has not yet happened. Similarly, whenever he emphasised that life is all about procedures, he used to tell us that there was really only one procedure. Every now and again we would try to guess what it was. None of us ever did.