Weekend Review

Yesterday was much the same as Saturday; beautiful weather and a flow to the day which allowed me to relax and be taken along. I returned home and went out with Aubrey & Tom. It was nice to end the weekend amongst men and even there I noticed a difference in myself. I was more relaxed, more open, more at ease with who I am. Brilliant.

The entire weekend was an eye-opener. During all the conversations I had, I was conscious of keeping it simple. I was very considerate of myself over the weekend – doing what I wanted to do; being who I wanted to be, and it worked.

I took steps towards my independence this weekend too. To be independent is to make a statement of what I want and vice versa: to make a statement of what I want is to be independent. If I’m clear about my needs and intentions then people do not mother me.

There were times at the weekend when I wasn’t sure what to do next. They weren’t major dilemmas – just little decisions that happen every day. My action in most of these cases was to relax and observe exactly what happened. And what happened each time was that everything worked itself out to my liking without any fuss or worry. It was amazing, clever, inspiring, encouraging and, through observation, it was entertaining. It was like I was watching the Universe at work.

Physically I feel very good. I did not keep to my normal exercise routine, but I did exercise my body, and my back and legs are doing very, very well. It serves to further my independence. I am standing on my own two feet. The hard work I’m doing is paying dividends.

Related post: Setting New Standards

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