At the accountant’s this morning, I deferred to Karaj and in doing so gave up all of my power. Karaj had to think quickly to stop the accountant from sending us away to prepare figures which, in the end, took five minutes to calculate. I was subservient.
In the evening I challenged Calvin, Ishwar and Simran about entries in the log book. I felt I was not heard, so returned to the subject and made the point that if Simran had challenged Ishwar about his use of a pencil in the logbook, instead of the regulation black pen (procedures!), then Simran would not have used a blue pen. I told them that when effective challenges are made both parties benefit. I felt heard the second time.
Later, having handed over one set of accounts to the accountant this morning, I began work on the next set, which needs to be finished by next week (I have just five days). Because everyone else was at the all-night temple ceremony, I found it easy to work through the night until 05:00. It was quiet but I also had the invisible support of the team.
Summary: what a day. Busy from start to finish. Subservience at the accountant’s gave way to authority in the evening’s challenge and hard work throughout the night. I’m seeing my capabilities more and more.