Again, Verbalise Your Issues!

Another lie-in this morning. I exercised quite vigorously last night so I left it today. Apart from that I am just about back to normal. Just in time for the men’s group tomorrow.

I spoke to Dev last night and, at the risk of repeating myself we had a good chat. I verbalised my apprehension about tomorrow’s group because a few people are in for a pretty heavy time but Dev said, quite rightly, that there is nothing for me to worry about because what happens in the group is for the good of all the people in the group. This is so true and very helpful to me. Whatever happens tomorrow needs to happen and all concerned will ultimately benefit.

Dev went on to say that he had had an issue with Sunil’s withdrawal and reluctance to get involved in the sketches at the weekend, but had left it because of the sensitivity of Sunil’s situation. I told him he should have raised it. If we cannot raise these things amongst ourselves then with whom can we raise anything? Had he aired his feelings we could have talked about it and we would all have taken something from it. Sunil would still have been able to withdraw and Dev would have released what needed to be released. After yesterday’s experience with Karaj and with Aubrey, I am beginning to see how healthy and how easy it can be to simply raise issues with people.

Verbalise your issues.

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