The men’s group started 10 minutes late and Simran was severely challenged for not taking control and asserting himself to get everyone to start on time. His response, that ‘today must be a special day because all of a sudden it matters that we start on time‘, was a huge knife. That’s what he does: instead of expressing his anger appropriately he puts the knife in.
During an early break I challenged Ishwar to bring his issue of anger into the group, and I put Dev in charge of ensuring it happened. When Ishwar raised it, Leon was able to contribute his experiences of his own anger. The group lasted 13 hours, during which time we also addressed the following:
- We looked at Leon’s yearly appraisal and Karaj made life easier for him by telling him not to put pressure on himself. He is already doing most of what he says he wants to achieve and the rest are unnecessary complications.
- Shona gave George feedback on her lesson which we had planned in the WSG on Tuesday.
- Dev was challenged for having no presence.
- George’s memo to the SMT teacher.
- Simran’s appraisal: how he created confusion through contemplation.
- We talked about failure and how you need to say to yourself, ‘I am going to get back up again‘.
- Dev and his client: don’t get drawn in to the politics; just do your job.
- Simran’s client supervision: he is too attached to his clients.
- Dev: when his Child is complimented, his Parent bashes the Child up. (TA)
- Letter to Robert.
- Ishwar’s work appraisal : the next steps (4, 5 & 6).
- INSET day: the accounts of the day from George and Ishwar were very powerful.
Summary: I challenged people all day long. I was awake, alert and appropriate. I feel the same fluency as I experienced learning German: after a struggle, all of a sudden things begin to make sense. Thank God. Once everyone had left, I worked on my self-healing appraisal for this weekend. It was very brief but still took over an hour.