Grounding Myself

I’m excited and I need to ground myself. Yesterday was another good day and last night I contacted a friend and arranged my trip to London.

After last weekend’s quiet reflection – I enjoyed the pleasure of my own company – I have a busy weekend ahead of me and the following weekend I’m off to visit my friends in London where, once again, my trip will coincide with a get-together of all the people I would like to see. Also, my return to Germany is taking shape nicely.

Ever since I was a child, travel plans have always made me overexcited and now is no different. I need to come back down to earth. Some helpful ways to achieve that are:

  • Breathe deeply
  • Feel the ground under my feet
  • Slow down
  • Stop
  • Be aware of everything I do, feel and think
  • Relax
  • Smile
  • Be fully present (in the NOW)


Related post: Stay Grounded

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