Own Your Space

Prepared the food with Calvin for this evening’s group. He is frustratingly slow. I told him to speed up and showed him how to do it. Simran arrived and had no presence, which furthered my annoyance. I thought to myself, ‘Save the anger for the appropriate time – in the group’.

In the WSG we talked about owning the space: if more people owned this space we would be sharper. Owning your space leads to effective challenges and we all grow. I had a powerful voice for my agenda item. During a long discussion about arguments, I felt a flicker of the upset which arguments must have caused me as a child.

Summary: Benefitted at the start of the day from yesterday’s work. Work reinforces work and tiredness reinforces tiredness. Worked well prior to the WSG and kept my irritation for the appropriate forum: challenges are more powerful when done in the group. I was quite forceful and I was straight. I could have got cocky tonight but I didn’t. I remained quiet until it was appropriate for me to speak, rather than talk for the sake of it, which I used to do much more.

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