An Appreciation of Support

I feel much better today – the headache has all but gone and my energy has returned. Spoke to Karaj who thanked me for all that I am doing and told me that he had already informed Kuldip about the method he should use to dig the pond. When I spoke to Kuldip about the pond he told me about the method but claimed it as his own. This highlighted his arrogance to me because even when he does hear people, in his arrogance he maintains that any thoughts were his to start with.

Karaj also told me about Robert fucking around at work. He wanted me to ring him and tell him of my concern – I want him to be all right, I don’t want him to lose his job. He also told me to ring Dev and tell him that he is doing well but should not get cocky. I left a message for Robert and wondered whether he would find it patronising.

When he phoned back he told me that his first reaction had been, ‘Who is he to tell me what to do?’, swiftly followed by a genuine appreciation of my concern for him. That is what I wanted to hear. He does appreciate our concern and from the ensuing conversation it was clear to me that he also wants to sort out the problem he has with the elevated opinion he has of himself, or rather the lowly position he puts others in. Or was he just sucking me in? Either way there is no need for me to worry about whether or not he feels patronised by me because it is not my problem.

At home I phoned Dev to tell him to keep up the good work but keep his feet on the ground. He, like Robert, appreciated the sentiment. We both had a good laugh throughout the call and reminded ourselves at the end of the need to calm down and get grounded.

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