During the first hour of the day, as we tidied the house, Dev, Simran and myself were all isolated; no teamwork. When I realised this I brought us together and we got to work on the agenda items. Even then we still managed to isolate ourselves: I was finishing Simran’s letter to his insurers, Simran was drawing his PAC circles and Dev was rewriting his learning points after Karaj had told him in the Women’s Group last night that we lacked any power.
Later, as we helped Karaj with his filing, Simran created confusion and the usual irritation; he knew where the empty folders are kept and because he couldn’t see any there he assumed they had been moved rather than used up. He has got worse and worse as this weekend has gone on. The team is rubbish.
In the first supervision session, Simran was challenged for wasting time drawing circles when Karaj had already told him they would do it together on the computer. We discussed the issue of filing. Why do we file? It is about dealing with the past so that we can live in the present and allow the future to happen; just like me recording everything in my to-do-list journal.
Heard Dev verbalise the need to tidy the room for Kapl Dev’s visit and wondered whether I needed to make sure he does it (I was out with Aubrey tonight, during the visit). I assumed I didn’t need to, so I didn’t. Similarly, I didn’t mention the need the for someone to welcome Kapl Dev when he arrived. I thought these two things would be dealt with automatically, but they were not. This is the best evidence of a missing team, a lack of teamwork and just how basic our errors are. We’re looking to run before we can walk. We are not even doing the basics and when we do the basics we are taking things personally rather than thinking, ‘Good, my team is covering my arse’.
In the second supervision I challenged the team once again to get on with the basics of communicating thoughts and assumptions and not to take things personally.
Summary: again, relaxed; good delegation and awareness; dealt with situations firmly & responsibly. Felt much more in control but at the same time very grounded. This is maturity. I recognise it every time it happens and the more it happens the easier it is to maintain.