Couldn’t sleep again last night. Not because of the pain, and not really because of any mental anguish. Just couldn’t sleep. Finally got off at about 03.30.
Karaj talked about Harriet needing time to think: ‘When people say that, I know they are playing a game.’ So what’s the difference between thinking and reflecting? Taking time to think, suggests the person is re-fortifying their defences, reconsidering the battle plan in order to come back and score points. What I am doing is reflecting on what Karaj has told me. I am considering his words, looking and analysing my situation, and seeing what is happening to me, so I can come back to Karaj and relate to him about my issues. That’s the difference.
In the evening I was smoking a cigarette in the upstairs kitchen when Karaj joined me. We chatted briefly about the Wednesday Group. They were downstairs discussing whether the group should continue. Whatever their decision, Karaj has made his mind up to curtail it. It’s nice not to be involved in the group.
Summary: Worked well today and enjoyed the evening’s yoga and relaxation. Feeling okay physically – please take it easy.