Made Beautiful By Reflection

Why, with some people, does it seem as though there has been no self-reflection at all? How is it that they make it into their 50s and 60s with their manipulative games intact, flourishing ignorance and a seasoned knack for arrogance or negativity? And why do they appear oblivious to the effects their behaviour has on those around them, or to the fact that they might, with a little effort, become even better than they already think themselves to be?

There are complex answers to those questions, but the simple answer is this: it’s difficult. Taking a perfunctory glance in the mirror, picking out the shiny aspects of our character and then looking away again is easy. But to stand there for prolonged periods, taking in the complete picture, examining closely what is already visible to others and acknowledging the traits which only we know exist, takes courage. It’s not for everyone. (Although it could be.)

It is only by reflecting upon who we are that we give ourselves any chance of being able to see our wonder. Fortunately, ever more people are looking at themselves and, with the advent in business of such management approaches as Authentic Leadership, the world is gradually working its way toward a point in its own development where transformation can occur in an instant. (More on that in the next post.) In the meantime, and for those already looking in the mirror, know this: everything you see is made beautiful by your reflection.

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