What I Have Created
Karaj gave me feedback from Dev, who had said that he really appreciates what I am doing for him. He could not have managed what he has done this week
Karaj gave me feedback from Dev, who had said that he really appreciates what I am doing for him. He could not have managed what he has done this week
For the first half hour of this morning’s work with Karaj I was wholly ineffective, not able to assimilate any information or get a clear head, and became more and
Karaj and I chatted in the garden, warmed gently by the early morning sunshine. ‘If you survive the next year, you’ll be flying.’ He told me my to-do list is
Karaj told me I am fucking around and not using the group to make my life easier. I get the group going and then stop us all from reaching the
This is a summary of notes from the past week. There were good days and there were not so good days. It was all about getting on with the work;
Friday I felt stiff & tired during my exercises. Is the numbness spreading down my calves? It’s difficult to tell whether things are getting worse or better. Simran arrived in
Friday 07.30 very tired & stiff. Chat with Karaj. He told me I am tired because I am torn between following procedures and cutting corners. Follow procedures! Watered the transplanted
Breakfast with Dev, Robert and Sunil followed by a supervision session at the house with Karaj. We talked about the to-do list, which doubles as project management. Karaj tells me