Calmness, Clarity & Contribution
At the end of the 3-day weekend, we sat together to summarise our time together: calmness, clarity, and appropriate contribution; a lack of emotion and good quality conversation. Our discussion
At the end of the 3-day weekend, we sat together to summarise our time together: calmness, clarity, and appropriate contribution; a lack of emotion and good quality conversation. Our discussion
Karaj, Priya, Ishwar, Kuldip, Michelle and I spent the day working in the garden – putting the finishing touches to C1 and the lock on C2. Karaj pointed out that
Karaj and I spent all morning on the phone to banks, the accountant, phone company and clients and did not get out of the house for lunch until nearly 14:00.
Spent yesterday asking myself in each moment ‘What do I want?‘ and satisfying anything that came up. It helped me to realise that I am important, I do count for
I tried to print out my vision statement from 9th May this morning but the printer just kept throwing out pages of nothing. I had read it and discounted it,
I left hospital yesterday. Today I left two messages for George. I also phoned Dev. It would seem we are both at the same critical stage on our respective journeys.
06.50 E&M 30 mins. Arrived at the house and read the latest feedback on my appraisal which seemed to be full of challenges for me. I felt a little disheartened
Kuldip arrived at the house and I spent a few minutes with him. I am irritated by his behaviour despite the opportunities his presence here provides me with. Although he
Karaj rang tonight. He told me to raise the following in the Thursday men’s group this week: How do we know where we are and how do we know where
I visited Maxine at the weekend and it seemed that, without talking it through, we both knew the boundaries. Karaj assures me that it was because I knew the boundaries.