Every Thought & Feeling
I read through my Sicily work and appraisals at intervals today and found them encouraging, insightful and well written. At one point I was in the process of realising how
I read through my Sicily work and appraisals at intervals today and found them encouraging, insightful and well written. At one point I was in the process of realising how
I tried to print out my vision statement from 9th May this morning but the printer just kept throwing out pages of nothing. I had read it and discounted it,
I woke up looking forward to the day. It felt like a special day for some reason. Harriet and Priya were late and I realised what I had done. Although
I had a disagreement with Karaj over a broken microwave plate. He had told me to find a replacement today, but I was all for a workaround and then find
Finally got going on Francis’s work issues. The word ‘finally’ in that sentence suggests I have been putting myself under pressure to do something which I was building up to
The evening was spent planning the weekend. We wrote everything down on the flip chart so that everybody was clear what needed to be done and when to do it.
07.25 40 mins. I arrived at the house feeling somewhat emotional but as soon as I spoke to Karaj about the work to be done I began to become focused.
07.25 E&M 40 mins. The subdued feeling is still there. I feel in limbo. It’s as if I want to make the most of the opportunity to feel down (old
I woke up feeling negative but talked myself out of it pretty quickly. My back felt very stiff after yesterday’s bucket work. Spent the day on my own, waiting for
07.30 E&M 40 mins. Left home with a headache and feeling a little under the weather, but determined to keep on top of my resentment and withdrawal by staying in