It’s helpful to be able to predict what will happen in any given situation. We are aided in this by one simple rule. It doesn’t always apply and it is
It’s helpful to be able to predict what will happen in any given situation. We are aided in this by one simple rule. It doesn’t always apply and it is
At midday Karaj and I chatted. He is under a great deal of stress with the responsibility of his work and the clients. We need to keep things ticking over
After lunch, I read my Sicily appraisals. Robert showed the same ignorance of support as Priya. I chatted with Karaj in the garden. He thanked us for our support yesterday.
Calvin called yesterday to inform me of today’s meeting with the new social worker. I asked him about his work. He is not following procedures regarding the meeting with his
Yesterday evening I had a brief call with Calvin’s wife. She sounded busy, tired and weighed down. The complaint procedure is slow. Her son is settling into school okay but
Yoga was another good workout and I felt freer as a result. Fell asleep afterwards feeling satisfied and positive. Woke up an hour later feeling tired and envious of the
Started the day with exercises and a chat with Karaj. We talked about my lack of analysis. With Ishwar during the second exercise on Saturday, I did not analyse my
Showered, packed and spent a final hour with Francis. Both of us are very satisfied with the way things have gone: we planned what needed to be planned, we got
Spent the morning working on SHG appraisals with Ishwar. The learning point which came out of it when Karaj returned with Dev, was that there is no need for me
The evening was spent planning the weekend. We wrote everything down on the flip chart so that everybody was clear what needed to be done and when to do it.