Thought & Action

Yesterday I had a lie-in and made my way to the house to continue the refurbishment work. Spent the whole day working hard with Karaj. As always, it took us nearly an hour to get into our stride. We made gentle progress throughout the day and by the time we went for a meal in the evening we had achieved a great deal. The meal was the perfect way to finish off the day.

I returned home to find a message from Samantha to phone her some time. I might. I might not. I still consider it rude and unfair not to return her calls, which is why it is difficult not to call her. But if I want to move my life on, I have no choice.

[Karaj: Rudeness has nothing to do with it. When someone calls, they are saying ‘I am available to talk’. You then have to consider whether you are available to talk. If you decide to talk and then blame the other person for putting you under pressure, that is rude.]

This morning I had the last of my lie-ins. Tomorrow I get back into my exercise routine. Karaj and I worked hard again today to get the office ready so that we can produce some highly creative, effective work in the forthcoming months. My back was slightly agitated by the end of the day but we have made excellent progress.

I took my book to bed (‘The Art of Living: Vipassana Meditation’) and had an early night. I read about how the thought is more powerful than the action. I should be very careful what I think.

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