Acknowledging Our Nature
We are not perfect. Far from it. We are able to love, create and nurture but we can also hate, neglect and destroy. When I witness human kindness I am
We are not perfect. Far from it. We are able to love, create and nurture but we can also hate, neglect and destroy. When I witness human kindness I am
Of the seven billion people who live on our planet, there are at least one billion (conservative estimate) who have the capacity to annoy me very easily. So here’s a
Without awareness much of our behaviour occurs automatically, unconsciously. When that happens we surrender control of our lives to our conditioning and to the patterns of behaviour which have been
Nearly all of us have experienced it. Some of us are in too much of a hurry to notice it. Of those who do become aware of it, a number
Tired but buoyed by last night’s achievements and not too annoyed by Simran’s presence. Talking to him is an easier option than withdrawing and being resentful. In the first supervision,
Karaj’s feedback to me for October: 01. Good support. Hard work. Still issues with personalisation. It is important that you give up personalising things, otherwise you are creating a lot
Too tired to exercise and no motivation to exercise either. Began to get a headache with all the different jobs going round in my head. (1) Wrote a to-do list
Newsletter 10. Having been unable to complete the newsletter during the week we worked hard all day to meet a very tight deadline – one which caused my script to
07.20 E&M 40 mins. Feeling very tired today and not really with it. We were all given a lesson in taking charge this morning when the latest set of boards
07.20 E&M 40 mins. On the way to the house I noticed my annoyance. I verbalised it to Karaj and that was all I needed to do. Karaj talked very