Monthly Feedback – August 2002
This is Karaj’s feedback to me for each day I worked during August, with his general comments at the end to summarise my work, behaviour and progress. 03. Highly participative,
This is Karaj’s feedback to me for each day I worked during August, with his general comments at the end to summarise my work, behaviour and progress. 03. Highly participative,
This is a summary of notes from the past week. There were good days and there were not so good days. It was all about getting on with the work;
When planning today’s work on the corridor roof I showed no responsibility. I was too worried about getting it wrong. Emotions. Simran’s involvement caused confusion, which was seen by Ishwar
I began feeling emotional about the prospect of Karaj being unhappy with the work I have done this week. Started to go low as I contemplated my guilt at not
Yesterday’s disciplined attempt to eat less was foiled twice, by Karaj and then Hariett bringing food for me. I gave in, falling back on my please others driver to justify
Another humid and tired day. I felt some emotions about not having achieved any of my own work over the last couple of days, but I did not react to
Worked well with Karaj. I am seeing how I become emotional. As a result, I have stayed calm all day. This has been easy; it is when I am under
Targets Talk less Watch myself more closely Identify the games I initiate and get drawn into Lay pathway with 3’x2’ slabs Bring fridge downstairs Phone Sony engineer Talk to Dev
When I read Dev’s account of our phone conversation last Tuesday, I felt ashamed about being an emotional person. But then I began to accept that this is how I
Yesterday I felt the presence of the emotions I associate with a return from Germany: a little disillusionment about what I am doing; the desire to spend more time with